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by 3 years 8 months ago

Plan your DevPortal in parallel with your API management tools

We explore the requirements used to choose your API development platform, API gateway, or API management solution and why you should plan your DevPortal in parallel.
by Kristof van Tomme 3 years 11 months ago

3 Trends Driving Developer Portals

We discuss the 3 strategic decision making dimensions that contribute to the maturity for a developer portal: Operational maturity, Developer eXperience, and Business alignment. In this article we identify how 3 current trends align with these dimensions.
Categories: Business Insights
by Kristof van Tomme 4 years 1 month ago

Operational Maturity

Devportal CMS? CI/CD? Docs as code? Why choose if you can have them all?
Categories: Business Insights
by Kristof van Tomme 4 years 2 months ago

6 Types of Devportals

Are apps and integration portals also developer portals? In this article we illustrate the 6 types of devportals and how devportals are evolving to grant access to a broader range of specialized knowledge and tools to enable a wider range of users.
Categories: Business Insights
by Kristof van Tomme 4 years 10 months ago

Devportals & Digital Transformation

When you create rules, procedures in an organization, that doesn't mean that people will actually follow those. People will use those rules and procedures as their environment inside of which they act. Whatever rule you set up, don't ever expect people to follow: you always have to look for the unintended consequences. The goal of this article is to make you curious about: 1. Systems thinking 2. Complex Adaptive Systems 3. The role of APIs in Digital Transformation 4. The role of devportals in Digital Transformation
Categories: Business Insights
by Kristof van Tomme 6 years 3 months ago

Internal Developer Portals: Developer Engagement Behind the Firewall

In this talk Kristof explains the differences between public and private APIs, introduce upstream developer experience, and explain how it can improve downstream DX. Introduce experience design (a.k.a. gamification) and Innersourcing (open sourcing practices behind the firewall) and describe how they could be used on internal developer portals.
Categories: Business Insights


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