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Developer Portal: Strategy Series

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<h1>Developer Portal: Strategy Series</h1>

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<div class="markdown"><p>The ultimate goal of an API program is to create a technology platform: make it easier for developers to consume and leverage your proprietary data and functionality. Successful API programs streamline solutions to the arising challenges. They keep APIs consistent through process and governance, and ensure easy access via a developer portal. </p>

<p>Through this series of posts we aim to provide you with strategies for raising the standards of both internal or external developer portals. To see how these strategies are implemented in practice, check out our <a href="">Zero Gravity developer portals</a>.</p>
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<div class="markdown"><h3>Table of Contents - Part One</h3>


<li><a href="…; target="_blank">The 7 Trust signals to help an API succeed</a></li>
<li><a href="…; target="_blank">The 8 stakeholders of a developer portal</a></li>
<li><a href="…; target="_blank">Upstream Developer Experience: a Role for Developer Portals in Enterprise API Design</a></li>
<li><a href="…; target="_blank">Improve API Adoption by Improving the Downstream Developer Journey</a></li>
<li><a href="…; target="_blank">Turn API Customers into Advocates: Developer Marketing and Viral Loops</a></li>
<li><a href="…; target="_blank">Engage Users: Inspire, Educate, &amp; Authorize</a></li>
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<div class="markdown"><h3>Why scale API programs with a developer portal</h3>


<p>Developer portals play a role in both the perceived value of your API and its developer experience. <strong>A developer portal is more than a means of accessing API reference materials.</strong> </p>

<p>It is:
<li>A place where external people can receive self-service for your APIs</li>
<li>A dashboard for your API program</li>
<li>An important trust signal for your APIs leading to adoption</li>

<img class="image" src="/sites/default/files/2022-01/landingpageimages/apifriction.png" width="800" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;display:block;">
</p><center><i>DX is a crucial element in achieving your business goals.</i></center>

<p>To this end, many of the strategies we propose are ultimately to reduce or remove friction associated with the enablement of people utilizing your APIs. We begin with 7 ways to improve trust signals for your developer portal. We then outline the types of stakeholders whose experience may matter when designing and implementing your developer portal. We use these same principles to expand on the upstream and downstream developer’s journey before exploring paths to fine tune marketing messages for API adoption, advocacy, and engagement. </p>

<p>Developer portals play a key role in how well your APIs or products are perceived and show how much you value the experience of consumer developers. A developer portal serves as a self-service point for not only information on the APIs, it also enables interaction between developers from both the consumer and provider end of the API on how to use, iterate, or innovate.</p>

<p>We hope the strategies we have outlined will help to reduce or eliminate friction and enable people to use your APIs through a strong signal of trust and with consideration to all of your stakeholders. </p>

<p>Knowing all steps in the upstream and downstream developer’s journey is instrumental to formulating a solution that helps them on their path. Finally, engagement of your people to be the spokespeople for your solution is key to encouraging successful adoption of your devportal. </p>

<p>While pulling these materials together, we realized there is more to this story. We plan to expand on the concepts of user experience and engagement, tools for scaling API programs such as docs as code, and routes that lead to limited developer portal success. You can already read some of these in our more recent blog publications. </p>


<p></p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>If you have any questions, would like to work with us on your portals, or if you have feedback on these posts, <a href="; target="_blank">reach out to us.</a></strong></p>




<h3>Learn More</h3>

<p>What makes a great developer portal? We conduct our own research and recap the events and webinars we organize. We review publications that analyze API documentation, dissect UX/DX and delve into API programmes. </p>

<p>If you would like to receive updates about blog posts and recaps to come, then do consider <a href="; target="_blank">subscribing to our newsletter</a>! You can also check our <a href="; target="_blank">blog</a> for similar, already published content.</p>


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