This talk was presented at API The Docs Virtual 2020 event series on 23 September. We are honored to share the video recording, slide deck and talk summary below. Enjoy!
Visit the API The Docs 2020 recaps overview to explore all presentations this year.
Milecia McGregor
Sr. Sofware Engineer at Conducto
Milecia's presentation (video recording)
Milecia's slides
Why Documentation Matters
- Helps external developers figure out how to work with an application that was developed by someone else
- Helps internal developers figure out why or how things have changed over time
- Gives the decision makers the inspiration to try your tool
- Helps marketing to show how to use the product in different projects
“When you can explain to others how your tool works, it makes you look more authoritative: people know you know what you are talking about because they know what you are talking about.”
A good detailed documentation:
- Walks users through how to use your tool
- Shows why it works the way it does
- Silently supports the company
Code Snippets in Docs
- Show how to use your tool and how that code works
- Show how to integrate with your code and how easy that is
What developers are looking for:
- Copy-paste ready code snippets
- Guide them through how this copy-paste code snippet works
“Working code snippets are a big driver of the adaption of a tool into the developer community.”
Example Doc Application
How to include unit tests for your code?
- Replace the inline code pieces of your MD (markdown) file with embedded code files (e.g., PY, JSON) using a plugin (e.g., Gatsby’s plugin)
- Store your documentation in MD and the code in a separate code file
You avoid:
- Code snippets that are normally in the MD file get skipped by the unit test because the MD file is seen as a simple text file
- Translating code snippets to MD
- Checking every code snippet and then updating the ones that don't work
It allows you:
- To write unit tests to check a particular code file every time our documentation is built
- To target the files that are typically associated with MD and your unit test
- Update only the files that fail the test
Writing Unit Tests for Snippets
Writing the code in a separate file and import it into the MD:
- Your code snippets don’t have to live in the same directory as your MD files
- You can call the unit test form the MD directory
- Clear division between document writers and the code that they use in that document
Make configurable code highlighted:
- To make users know exactly what to change to make the snippet easily work with no problem
- Reduce friction
- Able to narrow down the problem areas that need to be updated
- It’s the same as unit testing your application code
- You know the exact snippets that need to be updated
Including Doc Tests in CI/CD
- Include the test in your build process
- Run it in parallel so it doesn’t stop the main run
- Fix the bugs when you see them
- Use this automation to make docs easier to maintain
Key Takeaways
- Code snippets in docs represent your application code - if the snippets look bad, ppl assume the code looks bad
- No one can use your APIs without good documentation -give them everything they need
- It’s not too much extra work - a few more lines to the unit tests
- You’ll stop so much confusion if the docs are good from the beginning
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