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Solutions Architect
Sep 11, 2024

Having a well-structured and well-written OpenAPI specification is like having a detailed map for your API. It's not just about technical correctness; it's about making your API easy to understand and use for other developers. When you invest in a good OpenAPI specification, you are essentially investing in a better developer experience. Think of it as creating a welcoming guide for developers who want to use your API. 

This clarity not only makes the API easier to understand but also speeds up the integration process. Developers can avoid common pitfalls and errors because the OpenAPI specification provides a clear understanding of data structures, parameters, and potential responses, including errors. 

Furthermore, a well-defined OpenAPI specification becomes a valuable asset for automating tasks like code generation and testing. It enables tools to accurately generate client libraries, server stubs, and API documentation, reducing manual effort and the potential for human error. In the age of emerging AI tools and ever better search engines, the asset value multiplies even more, for the same reasons.

Essential elements for a better OpenAPI specification:

To see these elements in practice, check the 'Example of an API Specification'.


Clear and Concise API Title

The API title should clearly convey the purpose of the API and be easy to understand. For example, "Bookstore Inventory" is a better title than "some-service-name" because it clearly explains what the API is about: 

  • Clarity: The title should immediately communicate the API's purpose. 
  • Conciseness: The title should be short and easy to remember, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms. 
  • Specificity: A good title helps developers quickly identify if the API meets their needs.

Examples of Effective Titles:

  • "User Profile Management" 
  • "Garden Store Inventory" 
  • "Error Log Management" 
  • "Language Translation" 

These titles clearly indicate the API's functionality, making them easy to understand and remember.

Examples of Poor Titles:

  • "Profile service" 
  • "John’s API" 
  • "some-service-name" 
  • "auto-generated-api-name" 

These titles are either too generic, not descriptive enough, or rely on internal jargon that might not be understandable to external developers.


Comprehensive API Description

A comprehensive API description is essential for developers to understand and use your API effectively. It should provide a clear and thorough overview of the API's purpose, functionality, and available resources. You can include MarkDown formatting to structure and streamline your descriptions: Instead of description: > use description: | and follow it with your MarkDown-formatted text.

1. Overview: Begin with a high-level overview of the API's purpose. This helps developers quickly understand what the API is about and whether it is relevant to their needs. For instance, instead of just stating "Garden store ecommerce," a better description would be:

The Garden Store eCommerce API supports the shopping experience of our online plant nursery store.

2. Capabilities: Outline the key capabilities and operations offered by the API. This provides a roadmap of the API's functionality without requiring developers to wade through detailed operation descriptions. For example:

The API includes the following capabilities and operations:

List Recent Plants:
- List recently added plants
- Filtered list of plants
- View plant details

Place an Order:
- Create cart
- Add plant to a cart
- Remove plant from a cart
- Modify plant already in a cart
- View cart (including total price)
- Create an order from cart

3. Resource Collections: Clearly list and describe the resource collections exposed by the API. This helps developers understand the data structure and organization of the API.

The following resource collections are offered by this API:
- Plants - represents the inventory available by the bookstore
- Carts - supports shopping for plants until ready for converting to an order
- Cart Items - tracks the plant + quantity added to a cart
- Orders - a cart that has been converted to an order that may be tracked to delivery
- Order Payments - tracks credit card payments applied to an order

4. External Documentation: Include links to any relevant external documentation that can provide further context or guidance. This could include user guides, tutorials, or detailed API reference documentation. 

5. Clarity and Conciseness: Throughout the description, use clear, concise language, avoiding technical jargon or terms that might be unfamiliar to developers new to the API.

By incorporating these elements, you can create an API description that is comprehensive, informative, and easy for developers to understand. This will make your API more accessible and encourage its adoption.


Well-Defined Paths and Operations

Each path in the API should be clearly defined and grouped logically. Operations (like GETPOSTPUTDELETE) should have:

  • Clear and Concise Operation Identifiers: Use meaningful operation IDs that reflect the operation's capability (e.g., ListPlants instead of getPlantsUsingGET).
  • Concise and Complete Operation Summaries: Start with a verb and succinctly describe the operation's purpose. A summary is a plain text string, so keep it simple. 
  • Complete Operation Descriptions: Provide detailed information and context about the operation, including its expected outcome, side effects, and use cases. Include examples of requests and responses. Describe what this path or operation does, and why it is needed. Think about what the user is doing when they use this endpoint, and that context. Refer back to the API Description above for more detail. For operation descriptions you can also use MarkDown to provide structure.


Detailed Parameters and Schema Objects

  • Thorough Parameter Documentation: For every parameter, specify its name, type, location (querypathheader), whether it is required, and a clear description.
  • Schema Object Clarity: Provide detailed descriptions for each schema object, including its purpose, data types of its properties, and any constraints or validation rules.
  • Effective Use of Schema Definitions and References ($ref): Define reusable schema objects in the components/schemas section and reference them using $ref to reduce redundancy and improve maintainability.


Comprehensive Response Documentation

  • Document All Response Codes: Include all possible HTTP response codes for each operation (success and error codes). 
  • Use a Consistent Error Response Schema: Define a single error response format for all operations, ideally using a standard like RFC 7807 (Problem Details for HTTP APIs).


Link to External Documentation for Additional Help

Review your API description and look for areas where you can link to other areas of your API documentation. The externalDocs top-level element in OpenAPI is designed to make API documentation that is external to the specification (such as landing pages, quickstarts, tutorials, etc) easily findable from the API reference documentation. Consider links to resources such as: 

  • The API overview page that documents use cases and business value 
  • The getting started guide 
  • How to use your API’s authentication and authorisation properly 
  • Detecting rate limit thresholds through headers and/or response codes 
  • Common patterns across your API, e.g. pagination, sorting, error responses, exceeding rate limits and backoff strategies, etc. 
  • Helper libraries and SDKs that can make development faster 

Pronovix’ Zero Gravity developer portal allows you to easily create all of the above documentation pages and keep them linked together. With the externalDocs top-level element you can link to all of those API documentation pages right from the OpenAPI specification itself and close the circle.

The Zero Gravity developer portal maximizes your documentation experience, supports DevRel initiatives, secure access to your interfaces, and empowers your authors.



Validation and Testing

Use a tool like Spectral to validate the OpenAPI Specification against the standard, identify potential issues, and ensure that it accurately represents the API. 

Spectral also allows you to define style guides and by extension, API governance standards. Use those capabilities to harmonize your OpenAPI specifications and create consistency across your entire API operation. 

In the same vein, Spectral has an OWASP API Security Ruleset that you can employ to catch and fix common API security mistakes.


The elements we looked at here are crucial for creating a well-structured and easily understandable OpenAPI specification that can be used to generate documentation, client libraries, and more. By following these guidelines, you can improve the quality of your API documentation and make it easier for developers to understand and integrate with your API.

In essence, a well-structured and well-written OpenAPI specification transcends its technical function. It becomes a communication tool, fostering a smoother and more efficient development experience for anyone interacting with your API. It's about building trust and clarity, ensuring that your API is not just functional, but also approachable and developer-friendly.

Let's talk about your documentation. Our Technical Writer team will evaluate your needs and the quality of your assets, and we'll come up with an action plan that best fits your project scope and budget.




Example of an API Specification

The following example for a plant store incorporates the elements from our conversation. It demonstrates how to adapt the principles above to create a clear, informative OpenAPI specification for a Plant Store Inventory API.

openapi: 3.0.0
      title: Plant Store Inventory API
      version: 1.0.0
      description: |
        The Plant Store Inventory API enables developers to manage the inventory of plants for an online plant store. It provides operations for adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting plant information.
        **Capabilities and Operations:**
        * **Plant Management:**
            * Add new plants to the inventory.
            * Retrieve details of a specific plant using its SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
            * Update plant information (e.g., name, species, price, stock quantity).
            * Remove plants from the inventory.
        * **Inventory Search:**
            * Search for plants by name, species, or common name.
            * Filter search results by category (e.g., indoor, outdoor), light requirements, or price range.
        **Resource Collections:**
        * **/plants**: Represents the collection of all plants in the inventory.
        **External Documentation:**
        * **API Reference:** []( -  Provides detailed information on all API endpoints, parameters, and response formats.
      - url:
        description: Production server
          operationId: ListPlants
          summary: Retrieve a list of plants.
          description: | 
            Returns a paginated list of plants in the inventory. You can use query parameters to filter and sort the results.
            - in: query
              name: q
                type: string
              description: A query string to search for plants by name, species, or common name.
            - in: query
              name: limit
                type: integer
                default: 25
                minimum: 1
                maximum: 100
              description: The maximum number of plants to return per page (default is 25).
            - in: query
              name: offset
                type: integer
                default: 0
                minimum: 0
              description: The offset from the first plant to return (used for pagination).
              description: A list of plants.
                    type: array
                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Plant'
              description: Bad Request - Invalid request parameters.
                    $ref: ''
          operationId: AddPlant
          summary: Add a new plant to the inventory.
          description:  Adds a new plant to the plant store's inventory.
            required: true
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Plant'
              description: Plant created successfully.
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/Plant'
              description: Bad Request - Invalid plant data provided. 
                    $ref: ''
      # ... Other paths and operations for plant management ...
          type: object
              type: string
              description: The unique Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the plant. 
              type: string
              description: The scientific or botanical name of the plant.
              type: string 
              description: The species of the plant. 
            # ... other plant properties ...                                

Download the  example


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Christoph is a creative and versatile technical leader who can present complex subjects in plain English. He has extensive experience managing demanding computing projects and partnering with stakeholders of all stripes to optimize solutions. He is also a regular speaker at technical events, and in his spare time builds furniture that align with his penchant for simplicity.

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