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Cognitive accessibility for developer portals
How we perceive information (our cognition) depends on many internal and external factors influencing our day-to-day lives. In this article, we highlight how the European Accessibility Act will help to increase accessibility and what are the essential aspects of the upcoming changes which will influence the newly marketed products and services.
Categories: UX & Research
Design the experience: video games vs devportals
In video games and developer portals, the design is planned with the user’s experience in mind. There are several differences, but we can also discover many similarities. This article will look at the various user experiences and analyze how onboarding works with a diverse audience in the case of video games and developer portals.
Categories: UX & Research
Components of a developer portal
A summary of some best practices and an overview of the documentation components used on developer portals. The points are illustrated with examples from award-winning API developer portals.
Categories: UX & Research
by 2 years 1 month ago
How do developers learn about APIs?
We look at the archetypes, contextual influences, and commonalities in API learning for developers and what content and features are needed as a result.
Categories: UX & Research
Going beyond Usability with Developer Portals
We outline the engagement attributes that go beyond usability by encouraging your user’s to play an active role in the success of your developer portal. We explain what engagement attributes are, how you can benefit, and give practical examples of how to implement them for your developer portal strategy.
Categories: UX & Research
by 2 years 3 months ago
Improve Developer Adoption and Onboarding
How to win at developer adoption and onboarding with your developer portal? This article charts how the features available in the Zero Gravity developer portals benefit both the downstream (consumer) and upstream (creator) developer journey.
Categories: UX & Research
Editor's Choice
Elements of a well-structured OpenAPI Specification
by Christoph WeberCategories:
Business Insights, Technical Solutions