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by Ádám Balogh 1 month ago

How Zero Gravity Developer Portal Enhances Content Management - Part2

The efficiency of content creation hinges on a tailored publication environment. In this article, we explore how the Zero Gravity Developer Portal addresses the requirements of both technical and non-technical content creators, ensuring an effective content management experience.
by Christoph Weber 2 months ago

Unleash the Power of AI: Make Your APIs Future-Proof with APIs.json

AI is rapidly becoming an undeniable force shaping our world. As developers and owners of API programs, we can’t afford to be caught off guard. This is where APIs.json steps in as a mediator bridging the gap between your APIs and the world of AI. In this article, we show you what makes APIs.json a game-changer.
by Ádám Balogh 4 months ago

How Zero Gravity Developer Portal Enhances Content Management

We discover how to foster collaboration and innovation in your developer portal by understanding consumer-side needs, production-side contributors, and essential documentation types. Learn how to adapt your portal for success with insights into managing and publishing content effectively. Discover the significance of a unified platform that serves as a central hub for documentation, publication, and knowledge sharing. Stay tuned for upcoming insights on managing and publishing content with Zero Gravity.
by Swapnil Sapar 7 months 3 weeks ago

Unlocking Developer Success: Pragmatic API Governance in Action

How can we assess API health by addressing API visibility and transparency? How is it possible to achieve API governance at the enterprise scale? Is it feasible to drive positive change and enhance enterprise API production by prioritizing transparency, actionable feedback, and recovery paths?  
by Christoph Weber 11 months 2 weeks ago

Consolidate & Govern part 2: Republishing Docs-as-Code Content with a Developer Hub CMS

A developer documentation hub CMS can underpin a unified content strategy that ensures consistent branding and styling, provides access control, can capture intent signals for marketing, and more, while individual teams can keep using their working docs-as-code tooling. In this article we discuss how docs-as-code content is mapped and migrated into the CMS, and what benefits a DevRel team can expect.
by Dezső Biczó 1 year ago

Keeping tabs on third-party dependencies

In this article, we introduce two new open-source tools, the Drupal Dependency Quality Gate Composer Audit plugin and Composer Audit changes, for managing third-party PHP dependencies. We highlight the benefits and challenges of open-source code, emphasizing the importance of maintaining quality and security. The tools help monitor the health and sustainability of open-source projects by flagging insecure or unsupported packages. By using these tools, developers can ensure high-quality and secure projects.


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