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by Kristof van Tomme 8 years 5 months ago

Software Support and Artificial Intelligence - Part 2: The Helpful co-worker model

Technical writer teams are asked the impossible: chronically understaffed, fulfill growing expectations, while dealing with the disruptions of a barrage of technological innovations. Technology however doesn’t need to be a curse, it could be a blessing: new technologies could also be used to help technical writers. In this series I want explore how artificial intelligence and new/rediscovered interaction models for software documentation could redefine technical writing and its deliverables. __Part 2: The Helpful co-worker model__ Teaching and giving advice is part of human nature. Helpful co-workers as a support services: when are they successful and how do they fail?
by Kristof van Tomme 8 years 5 months ago

Software Support and Artificial Intelligence - Part 1: Documentation at a crossroads

Technical writer teams are asked the impossible: chronically understaffed, fulfill growing expectations, while dealing with the disruptions of a barrage of technological innovations. Technology however doesn’t need to be a curse, it could be a blessing: new technologies could also be used to help technical writers. In this series I want explore how artificial intelligence and new/rediscovered interaction models for software documentation could redefine technical writing and its deliverables. __Part 1: Documentation at a crossroads__ What jobs do we need documentation to fulfill? Why is documentation under pressure? Why do we need AI in documentation?
by Kristof van Tomme 8 years 5 months ago

Software support and Artificial Intelligence: a 5 part series

Technical writer teams are asked the impossible: chronically understaffed, fulfill growing expectations, while dealing with the disruptions of a barrage of technological innovations. Technology however doesn’t need to be a curse, it could be a blessing: new technologies could also be used to help technical writers. In this series I want explore how artificial intelligence and new/rediscovered interaction models for software documentation could redefine technical writing and its deliverables.
by Kristof van Tomme 9 years 1 month ago

The API web needs a GUI

APIs are going to transform the world: they not only benefit from network effects caused by specialisation, the data they collect also makes them a prime candidate for the emergence of specialised Artificial Intelligence. Considering how powerful APIs are, it would be an injustice should they remain the privilege of developers.

Editor's Choice

error notification on computer screen with code and text

Support and Troubleshooting in Developer Portals

by Laura Vass
Business Insights, Best Developer Portals (Devportal Awards)


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