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by Kristof van Tomme 16 years 1 month ago

Making a library of interesting webdesign patterns

When I stumble upon an interesting graphical webdesign, I always feel sorry that I can't store a screenshot in a structured accessible way for future reference. Bookmarks just don't really work when you want to store only part of a website or if there are several interesting bits in a design.
by Kristof van Tomme 16 years 1 month ago

How to write copy for your biotech website

Many people underestimate at first the difficulty of writing good copy for their site. But for a lot of web development projects late delivery of copy is the main reason for project delays. This article is an inlead to an article series in which I will walk through the 10 most used page types on biotech websites (see our whitepaper on biotech web development).
by Kristof van Tomme 16 years 1 month ago

The Motrin disaster

This weekend I subscribed to the RSS feed of groundswell, a blog that was started by 2 Forrester employees and that is subtitled "winning in a world transformed by social technologies".
by Kristof van Tomme 16 years 1 month ago

Video recording at Drupalcon Maastricht

To get you excited about the upcoming Drupalcon in DC and while you are waiting for the video's from Do it with Drupal you could have another look at the video recordings from Drupalcon Szeged.
by Kristof van Tomme 16 years 2 months ago

Getting things done in Freemind - the screencast

A couple of days ago I published a blog post on getting things done in Freemind using the new attribute and filter features in Freemind 0.9.x. Back then I promised that I would post a screencast if there was sufficient interest in the subject.
by Kristof van Tomme 16 years 2 months ago

Importing RSS feeds from PubMed into Drupal

In this demo videocast I explain how articles from PubMed can be integrated in a Drupal site.

Editor's Choice

error notification on computer screen with code and text

Support and Troubleshooting in Developer Portals

by Laura Vass
Business Insights, Best Developer Portals (Devportal Awards)


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