API Resilience Podcast
We believe that digital transformation efforts make companies and communities more resilient. In the API Resilience podcast you'll listen to guests from industry leading API teams sharing their views about the current trends of the API economy. We also bring you insights that your API team will be able to use, and even explain to your management on how APIs can help your company cope, resurge, and thrive during and after this pandemic. The host is Kristof Van Tomme, CEO & co-founder of Pronovix.
Personal Digital Capital and GDPR Portability
‘If you have all your personal data with you, you increase your value when you log into an application’ says Mehdi Medjaoui (founder, Apidays). In Part 2, he presents his new vision, which focuses on GDPR portability and the trend of commercializing personal data.
The Secret Sauce of Developer Marketing
Earning the trust of your developers is the first step in developer marketing, says Adam DuVander (principal consultant, EveryDeveloper). In this episode of API Resilience, he explores how product development depends on audiences, as well as on business purposes.
The Evolving Role of Developer Advocacy
In this episode, Lorna Jane Mitchell shares her journey as a developer advocate, OpenAPI Initiative contributor, open source enthusiast, and keen blogger, and how her role has been evolving into digital advocacy this year. She also explores the steps you can take to not to go too early into code and add more value to your API experience, and how API teams could benefit from a spec-first attitude.